The story of a Sports Betting Icon who makes his living on Sports!

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on November 9, 2011

Basketball season is here and I wanted to share a story with you I think you’d find valuable.  It’s about an iconic sports better who’s feared by the sports books around the world.

See what’s truly possible!

This icon’s so feared in fact, most sports books are won’t even take his bets so he resorts to proxie betting.  Meaning, he enlists the help of others to bet at the books for him!

He’s a specialist in Sports Betting!

He’s known as a shark…  A whale…  A Great white…  When you have winning days to the tune of $300,000 a day you get this type of reputation.

(You’ll find an important lesson around the 5 minute mark in the video)

Did you notice how even an iconic sports bettor, such as, Mr. Walters relies on trusted advisers, handicapping advisers and a brain trust of sports handicapping specialists?

Here’s an undefeated fact – Knowledge is power!

Just like you saw in that video, high rollers across the world rely on key information.  When you have accurate information on a match up, you make better decisions and ultimately make more money!

The process is and will always be the same:

Proven Systems + Action + Key management = Fortunes and Wealth

I hope you found value in this blog posting.  Understand, sports betting is like any other financial venture, investment or opportunity in life.

The more information, tools and systems you have access to the better chance you have to bust your bookie and make some cold hard cash!

Let me prove it to you…  I’ll give you winners for 30 day for just $7

(or text “OwbBlog” to 702.979.4410)

Good Luck,

James Jones

P.S.  Imagine if you were a multi, multi, multi millionaire…  Here’s what your receipt at the ATM machine would look like 🙂

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