LSU and CornDogs?

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 2, 2011



At least half a dozen times a year I get a request for the post that talks about LSU fans smelling like corndogs. They come from Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas and every other SEC school. It’s amazing that after all these years, it’s still so popular. I usually run it here on Track’em Tigers every few years, because I get numerous requests. This season is no exception.

After all these years, we still don’t know the true identity of the author. An unknown Auburn person penned the very essence of the LSU Corn Dog six years ago. It was posted by a fan that goes by DeepBlue and appeared on the web site.

Without further ado, I give you the story of LSU and their fans who smell like corndogs…


LSU fans smell just like corn dogs.
Yes, it is often said, but so, so true. 
LSU fans do smell like corn dogs.
I would never tell them that to their face though. This is something 
better said at internet distances. Even now, I am afraid.
I am afraid that they’ll know I said it. I’ll walk past an LSU fan 
someday, and he’ll see that look in my eye that gives it away. 
That look that says, “gee, what is that smell? Is it corn dogs?” 
The next thing you know, I’ll have flat tires on my car.
If you only learn one thing from me today, remember not to tell LSU 
fans how they smell – you know, like corn dogs.
LSU fans seem, somehow, sensitive to that whole corn dog issue.
I think this may be why a lot of fans get beaten up by LSU fans. If you
attend a game in Baton Rouge, try to avoid telling them that they smell 
like corn dogs. Say something else instead. Like, “Wow, LSU sure does
have a great team this year. This is going to be a great SEC game.”
It’s hard. I know. It’s like when you’re having sex and you try to 
think about baseball. That corn dog smell is just so overwhelming.
It makes it hard for you to think about football or baseball or 
whatever else. Your brain wanders into corn dog topics like: “Gee, I
wonder if I took a bite of your finger, if you would taste just like 
a corn dog?”; or “Is this a real person or is it a giant corn dog trying
to make me think it is a real person?” or “What did that giant corn dog
just say?” or “Excuse me, Mister, why is it that you smell just exactly
like corn dogs smell?” or, of course, after a silencer: 
“Madam, did you just let the corn dogs out?”
Heck, after what I’ve heard about LSU fans, I think it may be better 
not to smell them at all. Okay, not all of them. Some of them are 
nice. Sure. Smell the nice ones. That’s okay.
You know what else is a bad thing to do? Holding your nose around them. 
They are real sensitive to that, too. Try holding your breath. But
don’t be obvious about it. Somehow they know you’re trying not to 
breathe in the corn dog smell. And that offends them. They’ll likely 
punch you for that if they catch on to what you’re doing.
If you do breathe it in long enough, though, it’ll permeate your whole 
body, and then you’ll smell like a corn dog just like they do. But
don’t say, “Dang, now I smell like a corn dog.” They take offense to 
that. And they will throw things. But not corn dogs. Hard stuff.
Stuff that leaves bruises and makes you bleed. Then you may have to get 
stitches or something. Just don’t say it. If you do start smelling like
a corn dog, just shut up about it. Okay?
I think kids are acutely aware of corn dog smells too. Counsel your 
kids on how to behave around LSU fans. If LSU fans are driving around
town, do not let your kids stick their heads out of your car window and 
sniff the air. No. Keep your windows rolled up. An odd change in 
their expression – indicating they smell corn dogs – might get a wrench 
or pipe or some other object tossed at your windshield. So, that’s 
dangerous. Let your kids stick their heads out of the car windows as 
you drive – on some other weekend
I know you are just as puzzled as I am about some of this corn dog 
stuff. What puzzles me most is that I’ve never actually seen any of 
these LSU fans with a corn dog in their hand. Okay, maybe there’s no 
mystery there – maybe they already ate the corn dogs. Who knows?
Maybe there’s a corn dog factory in Baton Rouge and they all work there.
Maybe, there’s a corn dog lotion that they wear, or a French perfume. 

Maybe their city council puts corn dog juice in the water supply – 
kind of like fluoride. The politics there are probably weird.
The big political issue during the city election is whether they should
add more ketchup or more mustard to the water. Don’t comment on it 
though. It’s not politically correct over there. It’s like a 
malnutrition issue or something. It’s like the corn dogs are probably
added to the water to prevent starvation or something.
I know when you go to Baton Rouge, you’re thinking: “Ahhhh. Here I am 
in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I’ll bet the people here smell just like
boiled crawfish or shrimp etoufe’ or some fancy Cajun food.” But just 
stop thinking that. That’s just a myth. They smell just like corn dogs.
In fact, please listen to my advice. Leave them alone about the corn 
dog odor. And don’t try masking the odor with something stronger. 
They’ll curse at you. They’ll say something like: “WTF, how dare you 
smoke a cigar in my home,” or “WTF!! Are you too good for the smell of
corn dogs?” and they’ll cuss out your kids too: “WTF!!! Little Mister 
fancy pants over here acts like he doesn’t want to smell like corn dogs.”
Cajuns are not like us. Don’t you see that, yet? They are really 
sensitive about being sniffed and about their corn dog aroma. They know 
they smell like corn dogs and it is no laughing matter to them at all. 
I know, I know. We sniff the Bammers and the UGA Dawgs and the Ole 
messes, and we keep a straight face with each of them, but don’t press
your luck with the Cajun tiger fans. Don’t refer to Death Valley as corn
dog valley either. I mean that’s just wrong. Even if you’ve been 
drinking, they’ll beat you up and curse out your kids.
Along these lines, be extra careful when you laugh in their direction – 
even if you’re laughing about something else. Like baseball or football,
or sex or whatever. If you can’t control yourself and you must laugh 
though, do not snort. The snorting makes them think that you smell their
corn dog body odor from a distance or that you’re choking on it or
something. They’ll likely burn your van for that. We lost a campus
building over just one snort. 
So, just remember. You can love one another without sniffing each 
other. You can enjoy the clash of a couple of good football teams.
You can enjoy the thrill of the rivalry. But after the game, please heed
my words. Please just move along. No sniffing the opposing fans this
Saturday. Okay? Get your corn dog jollies at home.
Enough with this corn dog talk. Let’s play ball…


Gus Malzahn OverHyped?

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on November 16, 2011

Is anyone other than me tired about hearing about how great Gus Malzahn is?  He should flee for the next head coaching job he is offered, because his stock has peaked and it is only going to get lower from here. 

Malzahn got very fortunate to have the greatest player in the SEC since Herschel Walker on his team.  Cam Newton is an offensive coordinator’s dream come true.  He can throw, he can run and he can get you first downs in short yardage situations. 

This is nothing new to me.  I have been saying it for two years.    Malzahn has the first few plays/series scripted out, then once the game wears on and situations change, he can’t keep up with the speed of the game.  It was obvious then, and it is obvious now.

Go back and look through the box scores of the games this season against their 7 SEC games and Clemson, and you’ll see how they score a majority of their points in the first half.  Also, this season against Arkansas and UGA, they scored all twenty one of their points in those two games in the first quarter.  For six quarters against two of the best teams they have faced, they scored 0 points. 

Opponent 2nd Half Points Total Points Percentage
Mississippi State








South Carolina
















Ole Miss












Now, the obvious outlier there is Ole Miss.  If you take out Ole Miss, the percentage goes from 35 down to 28.  In the SEC, Auburn ranks 9th in the SEC -behind Florida!- at 24.2 ppg.  Auburn also ranks 9th in the SEC in scoring against teams with a winning record at a very poor 14.2 points per game.   (

It is also down from their very first season.  In 2009, Auburn was 3rd in the SEC scoring 33.3 ppg and against teams with a winning record, that number was 25.6 against FBS teams with a winning record.  And that was with Tubberville’s players not equipped to run that scheme.  Against the best teams on its schedule, Auburn is scoring 20 points per game WORSE in 2011 than in 2009.  What has happened to all that innovative recruiting?

I am not trying to hate on Auburn.  They Plainsmen have had a very difficult schedule, playing 4 teams in the top 13 on the road.  I also think Auburn has over achieved this season, doing better than I thought before the season began. 

But I am also tired of hearing how great Gus Malzahn is.  These stats clearly show three things:  1)  Auburn’s offense really suffers without Cam Newton, as would be expected 2) Gus Malzahn, once deviating from the script, cannot put his unit in a position to be successful as the game wears on 3) Good defenses have figured out how to stop Auburn.


Top three skills of Winning sport bettors.

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on November 11, 2011



A winning sport bettor always controls the action. You see a common trend among losing sport bettors is betting too many games. They feel the need to be in the action. So on any given day they can have up to ten random bets going at once.

Read this very carefully. The more games you bet the better chance you stand on losing. Sorry, but it’s a statistical fact.

Believe me, there’s always an exception to the rule but in sports betting sometimes less is more!

There’s no shortage of games begging for your action but the trick is finding Odds Worth Betting.

So control the action!




The rush comes when your backs against the wall and you’re all in. The pressures’s on and you WIN! There’s nothing more thrilling than that, right?

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Winning sports bettors stay focused on the goal at hand; Making Money.

The difference between recreational bettors and professional winning bettors is we do not lose focus.

  1. We never bet a game just for entertainment.
  2. We never bet on our favorite team unless the odds say so.
  3. We never, never, never bet on a game just because it’s on television.
  4. We always follow the odds. There’s tough situations where all logic says go one way but the odds say bet the other.


The story of a Sports Betting Icon who makes his living on Sports!

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on November 9, 2011

Basketball season is here and I wanted to share a story with you I think you’d find valuable.  It’s about an iconic sports better who’s feared by the sports books around the world.

See what’s truly possible!

This icon’s so feared in fact, most sports books are won’t even take his bets so he resorts to proxie betting.  Meaning, he enlists the help of others to bet at the books for him!

He’s a specialist in Sports Betting!

He’s known as a shark…  A whale…  A Great white…  When you have winning days to the tune of $300,000 a day you get this type of reputation.

(You’ll find an important lesson around the 5 minute mark in the video)

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I hope you found value in this blog posting.  Understand, sports betting is like any other financial venture, investment or opportunity in life.

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Good Luck,

James Jones

P.S.  Imagine if you were a multi, multi, multi millionaire…  Here’s what your receipt at the ATM machine would look like 🙂


NFL Thursday

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on November 8, 2011

NFL is on for Thursday now until the end of the regular season, which gives our clients our opportunity to make even more $$$ than they have on our dynamite college and NFL picks for 2011.

The Oakland Raiders will travel in state to take on the Chargers, and they will be shorthanded without the services of Darren McFadden who has been ruled out for Thursday’s game.  This game is interesting for both teams coming off hard fought losses to the Packers and Broncos respectively.  The Raiders absolutely blew the game against the Broncos and have to be questioning their direction with Carson Palmer after another 2 INT day.  Palmer has now thrown 5 INT in two starts against the lowly Kansas City Chiefs and Denver Broncos.  How can Palmer actually do better against a better team in San Diego?

The Chargers on the other hand fell short in a rally in a losing effort to the Green Bay Packers.  Phillip Rivers while making some mistakes other continues to show his toughness week in and week out.  The Packers are clearly to the team to beat for the Super Bowl, but they have defensive issues.  The lowly Minnesota Vikings and now the Chargers have hung tough with the current champs specifically because of supar defensive play.

Off and Running!

My College Football System is off running!  Sign up today for the #1 system in all of Las Vegas!!! 

Click this link:


My team and I are finishing up the Reverse Line Movement Systems for College Football and NFL today.  I will be releasing these two systems to my Premium Members.  There’s two ways to become a premium member:




Mike Quade Out as Cubs Manager

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on November 3, 2011

Mike Quade is one of the nicest guys in the baseball business.  You ask any executive in they will speak highly of him on a professional and personal level.  However, with the hiring of Theo Epstein as the head of baseball operations, the ax on Quade’s career was due to fall very soon.  This happened today as Quade was fired as Cubs manager. 

Despite the firing, former Cubs great Ryan Sandberg is not going to be a candidate.  He is a candidate for the St. Louis opening as the Phillies (where Sandberg manages Philadephia’s AAA affiliate) have granted the Cardinals permission to speak to Sandberg about their managerial opening.

Anyone who knows Epstein does not see this as a surprise.  While Epstein is putting a major bullseye on his back if Sandberg were to become successful at rival St. Louis, high profile managers are not his cup of tea.  So expect a low profile hire on Epstein’s part, but for his sake Sandberg better not be too successful in St. Louis.

LSU-BAMA Winner Here!!!

We’ve been on a fantastic run in college football the last 3 weeks with an amazing 7-0 mark ATS!!!  Major $$$ for our clients!! Today is Wednesday and I already know who will win and cover the spread in the Game of the Century.  I’ve got a source in Baton Rouge and Tuscaloosa that has been keeping up with the happenings this week at practice.  Bottom line there is something that is going down that is not shown in the line, but will TRULY AFFECT the outcome of this showdown.  SIGN UP TODAY for my premium picks, and I will give this automatic winner!!

That’s right the LSU-Alabama ATS winner is here.  So SIGN UP TODAY!!!


LaRussa Retires

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on October 31, 2011

What a way to go out!  After managing and strategizing his way to a World Series title in arguably the greatest series ever, St. Louis manager Tony LaRussa has announced his retirement.  We will have more details as it surfaces.

Off and Running!

My College Football System is off running!  Sign up today for the #1 system in all of Las Vegas!!! 

Click this link:


My team and I are finishing up the Reverse Line Movement Systems for College Football and NFL today.  I will be releasing these two systems to my Premium Members.  There’s two ways to become a premium member:




Today’s College Free Pick

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on October 29, 2011

Today’s Premium Picks for Saturday, October 29, 2011
* College Football Premium Picks *
4 UNIT – UCLA  +5.5  7:00PM EST



Cam Newton Home Free

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on October 18, 2011

By now, you’ve likely heard about the NCAA closing the investigation into the recruitment of Cam Newton – clearing a certain college off of Interstate 85 of any wrongdoing. In short, any hopes we have of seeing Auburn’s National Title or a Heisman Trophy revoked are all but dead. Of course, a random back-up player could come forward down the road to suggest otherwise, but it likely wouldn’t be enough the mount much.

Basically, the NCAA decided that since it was unable to pin anything on Auburn, it was best to cut its losses and saved face while it could – they had no case, as much as many Alabama fans wanted to them to have one. Either there was no wrong.

That doesn’t mean nothing was suspected, it just means that nothing could be proven.

In short, however, Wednesday’s ruling changes absolutely nothing.

Fans of various schools still suspect Auburn’s title is tainted. Auburn may be in the clear with the NCAA, but not in the court of public opinion. Think about it- how many people think that Casey Anthony or O.J. Simpson are really innocent?

The NCAA has a serious image problem. Various schools – successful ones – are either investigated or under suspect of blatant breaking of the rules. Until the NCAA can prove serious wrongdoing and punish a school like it stole its lunch money, expect the Auburns and Ohio States to continue to win.

Oh and speaking of the Wartigerplainsmen, last year’s euphoria has raised the bar super-high, putting more pressure Gene ’5-19′ Chizik to either meet that level soon or he’ll be the latest Auburn coach to be removed by the Yella Wood Mafia.

Off and Running!

My College Football System is off running!  Sign up today for the #1 system in all of Las Vegas!!! 

Click this link:


My team and I are finishing up the Reverse Line Movement Systems for College Football and NFL today.  I will be releasing these two systems to my Premium Members.  There’s two ways to become a premium member:




Don’t Count Steelers Out

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on October 10, 2011

It’s always amazing to me how the media over reacts to losses.  They did that in a big way after the Steelers loss last week.  Well, I saw the flaw, and I knew there would be an opening with a line as the Steelers were only getting 3 points at home to the Tennessee Titans who in my view is still very unproven.  With the line closing at -3 Vegas and the public is saying that on a neutral field that the Titans are 3 points better.  I didn’t buy that diss whatsoever to the AFC Champs and my clients were paid in a big way! 

Big Ben was on fire throwing for 5 TD passes which has only been done two other times in franchise history.

The Steelers are still involved, and I believe they will contend THIS YEAR for a Super Bowl berth despite their age.

Off and Running!

My College Football System is off running!  Sign up today for the #1 system in all of Las Vegas!!! 

Click this link:


My team and I are finishing up the Reverse Line Movement Systems for College Football and NFL today.  I will be releasing these two systems to my Premium Members.  There’s two ways to become a premium member:

