More Proof NCAA is Making it Up

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 29, 2010

Here is more proof that the NCAA is making it up all up as it goes along to benefit the institutions that it has a vested financial interest with.  Here is an excellent blog post from Mr.SEC that breaks it all down.

The NCAA has taken to its own website to defend its recent rulings in the cases of Auburn’s Cam Newton and Ohio State’s Buckeye Five.

A bit of the governing body’s statement:

“Several media and others recently concluded that very different situations involving student-athlete eligibility should be considered independent of their unique circumstances or interpreted with a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

In particular, they are comparing recent decisions involving The Ohio State University and Auburn University (and others).  Some have even suggested the NCAA plays favorites in these types of situations based in part or in whole on financial considerations.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

In relation to the decision last week involving rules violations with football student-athletes at Ohio State, several current student-athletes were interviewed as part of our fact-gathering process.  They indicated they were not aware there was a violation and learned of the issue based on later rules education, which was confirmed by OSU through interviews and supporting documentation.

Inadequate rules education is often cited in student-athlete reinstatement and other waiver cases (such as inaccurate or misguided academic advising), but it is just one of many factors considered in these types of situations.

As for the broader issue of a student escaping penalties based on their lack of knowledge, there also have been reports in the media that the recent ruling related to Cam Newton’s eligibility will encourage parents or third-parties to solicit benefits or money during the recruiting process while keeping the student in the dark as to their activities.

Again, this strays from the truth.

While efforts are being championed by NCAA president Mark Emmert to further clarify and strengthen recruiting and amateurism rules when benefits or money are solicited (but not received), current NCAA rules would be violated and students declared ineligible should a parent or third party receive benefits or money, regardless of the student’s knowledge.

Put simply, had Cam Newton’s father or a third party actually received money or benefits for his recruitment, Cam Newton would have been declared ineligible regardless of his lack of knowledge.”


* You might remember that this site — immediately after the Newton verdict — said that the “but he didn’t know” defense was simply a spin job by the NCAA.  We wrote on numerous occasions that had Newton’s father actually received money the player would have been ruled ineligible regardless of whether or not he knew a thing about his parent’s scheme.  And now the NCAA has stated that fact in black and white on its very own website.

To those of you who sent us a lot of ugly emails for our stance… go get your shinebox.

The NCAA in today’s statement is saying that if money changes hands, a player’s knowledge doesn’t matter.  If money doesn’t change hands, then a player’s knowledge does matter.  That’s called “making it up as you go along.” And the NCAA has admitted as much by pushing for new, stronger legislation to close the now gaping Newton loophole.

* At, we do not believe the NCAA “plays favorites in these situations based in part or in whole on financial considerations.”  We do believe, however, that the NCAA wants to avoid a black eye as much as the next person, corporation or sports association.

Clearing Newton to play prevented a disaster.  Had the NCAA ruled Newton ineligible — and docked Auburn a win or 12 — prior to the SEC Championship Game, the SEC would have been left scrambling for a fill-in for its title clash.  The BCS race would have been thrown wide open.  And more importantly, even more sportswriters and talking heads would have had room to complain.

By okaying Newton, the NCAA gave everyone one story — Newton plays — and basically pushed that story to the backpages.  You either agreed with their ruling or disagreed, end of story, move on to your next column.

Had Newton been ruled ineligible, the debates over what he knew, should he have been punished despite his lack of knowledge, how should he have been punished, should Auburn have been punished, etc, would still be raging.

* Today’s statement comes out in response to the bombshell headline that Sugar Bowl CEO Paul Hoolahan lobbied Ohio State officials to let OSU’s players play in his game.  The idea of business entities lobbying schools on player eligibility issues — and the NCAA is made up of member schools like Ohio State, by the way — is more than a little unseemly.

But if the NCAA still wants to present itself as Lady Justice, fine.  Perhaps college sports’ governing body really is objective, unprejudiced and above listening to outside influences.  But when one of those outside influences actually pipes up and brags about being an honest-to-God outside influence, it leads this site to believe that the NCAA’s blindfold might actually be made of lace.

* There’s a lesson in all of this for the good folks at LSU, by the way.  The school is currently appealing the academic ineligibility of tailback Stevan Ridley and a January 4th conference call has been scheduled with the NCAA.

Les Miles says Ridley will have representatives on the call as will the school.  But if Joe Alleva and LSU officials are worth their salt, they’ll also have a representative from the Cotton Bowl sitting in on that pow-wow.

After all, if the Sugar Bowl can campaign for players to play in their bowl, why can’t the Cotton?

If that tack doesn’t work, Ridley should just say that he didn’t know he actually had to pass the tests he was given in college.  LSU officials can then say that they never fully explained the testing process to him.

As we’ve seen, sometimes a player’s lack of knowledge works in his favor.  Sometimes not.  But in dealing with the NCAA, it’s best to roll the dice and see what happens.  Because for all the NCAA’s talk of fairness, there’s no telling how the body will rule in two similar cases.  They make things up as they go along.

When it comes to the NCAA — whether they admit it or not — it’s always a night at the Improv.

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Buckeye Players Sanctioned but NCAA Shows It's Flawed

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 23, 2010

In what was thought to be an issue of players getting cheap and free tattoos, turned into a much more gigantic issue.  The NCAA announced today that it is suspending five Ohio State players for the first five games of the 2011 season for receiving improper benefits due to the selling of awards, gifts, and university apparell totaling approximately $1,000 to $2,500.  The five must also repay the amount of benefits received to charity.

Despite what Buckeyes Athletic Director Gene Smith called “severe sanctions”, the NCAA once again showed how flawed the organization has become.  The five game suspension rendered does not include the upcoming Allstate Sugar Bowl and all participating parties will be allowed to play in the game.  The reason, according to the NCAA, is that the “student athletes were not aware they were committing violations.”  Are you kidding me?  Once again the NCAA, as it showed in the Cam Newton saga, is giving a pass due to ignorance to the law.  You cannot be an enforcement arm if this continues to be the standard by which student athletes are judged.

In 2007, the NCAA ruled that 12 Florida State players had to sit out the Music City Bowl against Kentucky due to an academic cheating scandal.  Did the players know they were cheating?  I bet if you asked them they would tell you they had no idea they were committing any sort of violation.  Even worse the NCAA also acknowledged that the FSU coaches in the program did not know commit any wrong doing.  Yet the program stripped legendary former FSU coach Bobby Bowden of 14 wins!   Yet the NCAA admitted that Bowden didn’t know!!!!  Unreal!  This organization has become beyond a joke and as Stewart Mandel of Sports Illustrated said is “clearly making up the rules as they go along.”

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Blake Griffin's Dunk from Last Night!

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 23, 2010

Unbelievable dunk from Blake Griffin.  Dude almost kissed the rim (literally)!!!

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IRS Raid of Tattoo Parlor Poses Problem for Ohio State

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 23, 2010

Many of you I’m sure watched the Las Vegas Bowl last night, since it was by far the most intriguing of the early bowl games since media darling Boise State was involved.  However, an intriguing and even breaking news story came during the game when ESPN analyst Kirk Herbstreit said an IRS search into a Columbus, OH tattoo parlor found evidence of discount tattoos for personal autographs from Ohio State football players.  Here’s Herby’s take:

The story first surfaced on twitter by’s David Biddle and followed up by Fox 28 in Columbus that Ohio State was looking at suspending some Buckeye players from the Sugar Bowl game against Arkansas on January 4th for the tattoo flap.  The players who are expected to have benefitted from the tattoos are sophomore DB Travis Howard, WR Chris Fields, JR O-lineman Mike Adams, and RB Dan Herron. 

As soon as the reports surfaced star QB Terrell Pryor was quick to tweet he wasn’t involved.  The same went for O-lineman Michael Brewster  .

Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith is going to address the matter in news conference set today at noon, and I will do my best to keep your updated on any further developments.  If I were betting man, which you all know I am, I would guess Ohio State will announce the suspension of these 4 players.  There’s just too much NCAA scrutiny taken place today with rules violation to risk further trouble.

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Muschamp on Muschamp

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 21, 2010

You know I like Will Muschamp and think the guy is a fantastic football coach.  However, I believe Muschamp is, like a term my daddy used to say about arrogant kids, “a little big for his britches”.  Check on the hilarious well done bit from You Tube and Muschamp’s use of himself in the 3rd person.

Muschamp on Muschamp

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Ralph Friedgen's Fate

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 20, 2010

The University of Maryland is going to announce the fate of football coach Ralph Friedgen at a press conference today at 3:00 p.m. 

You can watch it live right here from Comcast Sports Washington.

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Geno Auriemma Been Hanging Around Women Too Long

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 20, 2010

If you didn’t catch UConn’s Women’s coach Geno Auriemma on Sporscenter yesterday, here you go.  This quote I want to comment on:

“I just know there wouldn’t be this many people in the room if we were chasing a woman’s record,” the Connecticut coach said Sunday near the end of his postgame news conference. “The reason everybody is having a heart attack the last four or five days is a bunch of women are threatening to break a men’s record, and everybody is all up in arms about it.”

1)  First off, Geno, no.  There would not be that many reporters in the room if you were chasing a women’s record becasue no one cares about women’s sports.  So you are correct.

2)  Geno, I have not heard anyone pulling against UConn.  I frankly don’t care if they break the record or not, becasue comparing a men’s basketball record in the 1970s and a women’s basketball record in the 2000s is comparing apples to oranges.  I also don’t care, to be frank, because it is women’s basketball. 

3) The reason people may be pulling against your team is not a woman vs man issue.  I think John Wooden was one of the most loved and respected sports personalities.  The fact that is such a beloved icon’s record you are going to pass, in the same calendar year he passed away, is probably a bigger issue.  Not the gender, IMO.

4) The small part of me that does care hopes they win. 

5)  I never once thought about it being a man versus woman issue until you brough it up.  Now I have, Geno.

But really, who cares?  The St. Petersburg Beef O’Brady Bowl better not be interupted, or else I will care.

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Trades Dominate Sports Weekend

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 20, 2010

The bowl season kicked off this weekend, but until we get to a couple of days before New Year’s these games are pretty much meaningless and pointless.  However, the news of the sports weekend came in the front offices and behind closed doors as a team in the NBA, and MLB primed themselves for a major move in the postseason.

Orlando Magic

Dwight Howard will be a free agent after this season and many believe the Magic will not be able to afford to resign them.  With that in mind, the club is doing all it can to win a NBA title this year.  So on Saturday the Magic completed two big deals as they picked up Gilbert Arenas from Washington and Jason Richardson from Phoenix.  It was thought at the beginning of the year that Orlando had a team to compete for a NBA title.  But having lost five of six and sitting at 4th in the Eastern Conference standings, the move was made.

Arenas was open to being traded after the Wizards drafted PG John Wall.  Wall became the new face of the franchise making Arenas feel on the outs.  After the trade was made Arenas said “I’m just glad to be back in the playoff hunt.  I’m been out for a while, and it’s great to be back playing competitive basketball.”

The Magic also received Jason Richardson, however the news may have been bigger in Phoenix than Orlando.  After Richardson was traded rumors were speculated that Suns were about to seriously unload their roster included star Steve Nash.  The Suns released a statement issuing a quick denial.

Milwaukee Brewers

How about the “Brew Crew”!  For the first time since I can honestly remember the Milwaukee Brewers are doing to what it takes in the front office to be a major player come October.  The Brewers early Sunday traded for Cy Young award winner Zack Greinke.  The addition of Greinke should immediately bolster a starting rotation that had the 2nd worst ERA in the national league in 2010.  And don’t forget the Brewers made a trade earlier this month when they acquired Shawn Marcum in a trade with Toronto. 

The Brewers are already loaded with a lineup of outfielder Corey Hart as well as sluggers Ryan Braun and Prince Fielder.  And on a personal note, I’m proud  for the people of Milwaukee who have one of the most loyal fan bases in all of Major League Baseball.

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Sunday Brings Two New Coaching Hires in College Football

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 12, 2010

Well just a day after Florida made on some unaccounts an underwhelming hire by pulling DC Will Muschamp from Texas, Vanderbilt and Miami have made their selections.

First the Commdores:  Vandy has hit a homerun in my view by luring Auburn OC Gus Malzhan as its new head coach.  Malzhan will have his hands full in the worst program in the SEC but make no mistake Malzhan will do some good things at Vandy.  First of all, he will establish an offense that SEC teams will not see everyday and cause coaching headaches.  A gimmick offense is perfect for teams that struggle getting premiere talent to their schools.  Just look at the success Paul Johnson has been able to do with an under talented Georgia Tech team.  In just his second season he led the Yellow Jackets to a ACC title with a recruitng class that did not rank over #45 nationally over the previous two season.

Reports are that Vandy will pay up to $3 million a year but sources at Vandy have confirmed to me that the pay will actually be around $1.85 million a year with a pile of incentatives that could reach $3 million.  However, at a school like Vandy you would have to think these incentatives would be tough to reach.

Miami hired Al Golden today as its coach.  Now let’s get this out front.  Golden is a fine football coach, and has done great work to bring Temple back to some form of respectability.  But, it’s a sad day when this is the best Miami can do.  The facts are that this program is in horrendous shape.  Fan support is among the worse for any FBS team (attendance at the season finale was only 26,000), the facilities haven’t been upgraded in nearly three decades, and the clear lack of committment by University of Miami President Donna Shalalah is keeping many of the top names away.  Al Golden may do a fine job at Miami but it’s sad when this is the best a once proud program can do.

I am a little surprised that even Golden took this gig.  He played at Penn State and many expected he was in line to take the head job whenever Joe Paterno decides to hang it up.  However, this move virtually assures that the gig will fall to Penn State DC Tom Bradley who has done a fantastic job in his long tenure at Penn State and will get a shot well deserved.

With regards to the Gators and new head coach Will Muschamp, it appears Texas RB coach Major Applewhite is set to be tapped as the Gators new offensive coordinator.  Applewhite has been OC before in a very unsuccessful one year stint with Nick Saban at Alabama back in 2007.  If Applewhite is indeed the guy this a very risky for one for a first time head coach in Muschamp.  It was believed last night that the Muschamp was  at Oklahoma State OC Dana Holgorsen, which would have been a home run.  However, all signs as of this hour point to Holgorsen replacing Dave Wannstedt at Pittsburgh.

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Malzahn Offered $3M a year to coach Vandy

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on December 8, 2010

Sources have confirmed to me that Gus Malzahn has been offered up to $3 million dollars a year to be the next head coach at Vanderbilt.  Despite this astronomical number for a school like Vandy, it remains unclear if Malzahn will take the job.

In case that were to happen, the job is expected to be offered and accepted by current Maryland OC and head coach-in waiting James Franklin.  If Franklin were to end up with the job there would be two African-American coaches in the SEC.

However, getting Malzahn would be a MAJOR coux for a school like Vanderbilt.

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