Spurrier's Pay Plan Embarrassing

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on June 3, 2011

Steve Spurrier’s pay proposal was one of the lowest things I’ve ever seen in sports period.  Spurrier’s proposed that SEC coaches be allowed to pick 70 random players from their football team to get a $300 per game payment.  When the proposal was presented all the ADs in the room laughed due to its sillyness and blatant violation of every NCAA rule in the book.  As Georgia head coach Mark Richt asked “How do you deal with the other 50 players on scholarship and are on scout team?”  “There not as talented, but they work just as hard?”  How about the Title IX implications?  There’s no way you can get away with paying players in a men’s sport without doing the same for female ones.

However, it wasn’t so funny to snake oil salesman such as Nick Saban, Gene Chizik, Derek Dooley, Houston Nutt, Les Miles, and Will Muschamp who voted for it.  These guys are so desperate to get a recruiting advantage so they can tell how recruits they support paying players and old heartless Mark Richt does not.

You would think seven millionaires would be the ultimate professionals and conduct themselves in such a manner.  Instead they are nothing worse than slimy used car salesman looking at any way to stab their customers (recruits) in the back to promote their own sleazy careers.  It’s utterly despicable.

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