Tiger Woods Withdraws from Players

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on May 12, 2011

After a piss poor front nine of 42, Tiger Woods has withdrawn from The Players Championship midway through the first round.  Woods after his withdrawal said that “he reinjured his achillies on his first tee shot, and it got progressively worse throughout the round.”  Did Tiger actually injure his knee or is he just tired of everything to his golf or life?  Who knows, but reporters on the scene said he had horrible limp while playing and he last to his ball between every shot.

But make no mistake, it is becoming more and more clear that we are seeing a dramatic fall from grace.  Tiger is on the cusp of falling out of the Top 10 of the World Golf Rankings, and you have to wonder if the guy is actually one of the Top 50 players in the world at all.  His off the field issues with his wife have clearly affected his game, and you can put me on the record as wondering if it will ever return.

Tiger has won 14 majors, four shy of a tie with Nicklaus.  Woods’ ability to reach this major now is certainly in question, I am beginning to wonder if the guy will ever win a major again.  His game is lone gone and it appears it may never return.

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