Top three skills of Winning sport bettors.

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on November 11, 2011



A winning sport bettor always controls the action. You see a common trend among losing sport bettors is betting too many games. They feel the need to be in the action. So on any given day they can have up to ten random bets going at once.

Read this very carefully. The more games you bet the better chance you stand on losing. Sorry, but it’s a statistical fact.

Believe me, there’s always an exception to the rule but in sports betting sometimes less is more!

There’s no shortage of games begging for your action but the trick is finding Odds Worth Betting.

So control the action!




The rush comes when your backs against the wall and you’re all in. The pressures’s on and you WIN! There’s nothing more thrilling than that, right?

Any long term sports betting winner will tell you they NEVER risk their entire bankroll! It’s a cardinal sin – The life and blood of your sports betting career is bankroll management.

The winning trend among winning sport bettors is risking 1-3% of your bankroll per bet. As your bankroll grows so does the amount per bet.

I have a free tool you can use,

Believe me, it’s never a jump for joy subject but anyone serious about sports knows bankroll management is king!




Winning sports bettors stay focused on the goal at hand; Making Money.

The difference between recreational bettors and professional winning bettors is we do not lose focus.

  1. We never bet a game just for entertainment.
  2. We never bet on our favorite team unless the odds say so.
  3. We never, never, never bet on a game just because it’s on television.
  4. We always follow the odds. There’s tough situations where all logic says go one way but the odds say bet the other.

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