Your Sex is On FIRE!

by Las Vegas Legend, James Jones on May 18, 2015

Anything that has to do with winning tends to stick with me..

Which reminds me, make sure you get today’s Premium Picks!

Because my partner, “7” and I have a couple of HUGE MLB winners sitting and waiting for you in the members area.

OK… Now let me tell you this story…

I recently had some song stuck in my head whose chorus repeated… “YEAAA… On fire!” I couldn’t help but hum the tune non-stop… probably because it said “on fire.”

It’s a mind boggling feeling to have a song stuck in your head without knowing the words.

Then yesterday IT HAPPENED!

When I was in the book I heard the song…

Being quick on my feet, I grabbed my iPhone asked Siri who sings this…

And here’s what she had to say…

Don’t forget to grab today’s Premium Picks!

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